A great read
here is a collection of creative and technical articles to inspire youThe puzzle of motivation
Motivation — the reason for any action, the push that determines us to act toward a desired goal. Motivation gets us moving, it gives purpose and di...
Why We Procrastinate
It can be hard to write about procrastination, especially when it is so easy to do :) Much easier than work anyway....
Using the Power of Nature To Get Us Moving
Here we are, in 2019, moving through space and time at a faster and faster pace. What do we need to get moving? Well, mostly energy....
The Power of Time Off
As humans, we feel compelled to work. It’s in our DNA, we are meant to do, build, create things, be useful to others. Our bodies and minds are made ...
The Digital Nomads
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about work? Is it a cubical-office downtown or a beach in Thailand? Is it the comfort of you...
The Top 5 Reasons Why the Client Is Always Right… Is Wrong
In the world of business, it goes without saying that managers and employees strive for excellent customer service, for pleasing clients and, thus, ob...
Why good leaders make you feel safe
We all know that leaders are those chosen ones who get to lead or command a group, a department, a company or even a country. Some are born with the s...
The power of selling out
Selling is the art of matching product benefits with customer needs or desires. The best way to sell your products or services is to communicate their...